Wednesday 15 November 2017

collage part 1

college life is hard. you need to be prepared for a lot of "drama". you'll cry, be crazy like joker,  get mad, be famous, get ditched, get pushed around. yes., you'll go through all that and in fact a lot more. all you gotta do is be tough. get  ready for the worst. cause you'll never know whats gonna come to you later on. i've been through hell for the past 4 months of my life and i'm just starting collage. i don't know why this is happening to me. a little sad but i need to be tough. i got into a relationship 3 4 months ago and it lasted for only like 3 months? i don't know. i really like him but he is just to much for me. easier said he's to different than me. i don't mind the differences we have but not to much cause that will totally change my lifestyle. i don't like that.

the next problem you'll have is that you being used by others or.. being accused. well, as a girl there be a lot of rumors about you especially when you hang a lot with guys. well let's just say that i'm use to it but at some point i do care about things like that. i don't want my reputation to be so bad. i just don't get it why do people like to bad mouth you? what have i done to them. this is so not fair. just because i'm different and weird doesn't mean that i'm a bad ass person who doesn't know whats right and wrong. i don't do boasting and stuff. i don't do girly stuff because i don't know how. i'm just a huge lump of mess and thank god, there are people out there who would still accept me as a friend but at this moment i really feel like i'm gonna loose them.

another thing about college life is that the fear of being alone with no friends. for a person like me i don't like losing friends. friends means a lot to me.

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